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One roars with pain and the other pours with rain.

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Q: What is the difference between a lion with a toothache and a thunderstorm?
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What is the difference between a zebra and a lion?

The zebra is the DINNER. The lion is the DINER.

What is the difference between lion and loin?

a lion is an animal, and a loin is a part of your body.

What is the difference between lion and tiger in Hindi?

Lion is "Sher". Tiger is " Baagh".

What is the offspring between the lion and the lioness?

Cub. tell me difference between lion and lioness with help of pic

What is the difference between a lion and a baby lion?

I have no idea so ask soneone who knows

What is the difference between a man and a lion?

The different between a man and a lion is that a man walks with two feet while a lion walks with four feet

Whats the difference between an injured lion and a wet day?

The difference between an injured lion and a wet day is that one pours with rain and the other roars with pain.

What is the difference between the normal lion and the white lion?

The only tiny difference there is, the white lion is rare and white, the normal lion is not rare and tan. The white lion is born if their mother and father both carry the gene.

What is the difference between Obama and a lion?

Obviously Obama is a human and the president of the U.S, and a lion is a wild animal.

What is the diiference between a rainy day and a lion with a toothache?

One pours with rain and the other roars with pain. Sorry, that's not any information, because, when a loin has a toothache, it doesn't always roar with pain, and when it's raining, it's not always pouring, but at least some people will find it funny!

What was a big difference between the Cowardly Lion in the 1902-1903 stage and the 1939 movie versions?

The Lion in the stage version didn't talk.

What is the difference between a white lion and a regular lion?

A white lion is a rare color mutation of a lion with a white or very pale coat, while a regular lion typically has a tawny coat. White lions are not albinos, but rather have a genetic condition called leucism. In terms of behavior and habitat, both white lions and regular lions are the same.