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One difference is that a nitro RC car runs on nitromethane and a petrol one runs on a mixture of petrol or gasoline and oil. Another is a nitro RC car will run longer on a gallon of fuel.

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Q: What is the difference between a petrol or a nitro RC car?
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The petrol one uses petrol, and, wait for it, the diesel one uses diesel!

How does an RC car Run?

Either by Petrol/Nitro or electric.

What is the difference between petrol and nitro in an RC car?

Petrol is explosive and harmful were as nitro is the safer and cheaper is is better for children drivers lol petrol RC cars are usually 1/5, or bigger scale than nitro ones which are usually like 1/10 ------ The specific mixture of the fuel is what makes them different. The main ingredients of nitro fuel are nitromethane, methanol, and synthetic oil or castor, plus other minor additives. Petrol or gasoline, on the other hand, Petrol, is a more common and accessible one that you can buy at the nearest gas or petrol station. It's transparent liquid derived from petroleum. You can read and understand more about nitro fuel at this link Hope that helps answer you question.

Petrol remote control car and it uses nitro fuel you want to know is Nitro fuel the same as 2 stroke oil?

NO not even close....

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The primary difference between a petrol car and diesel car is the consumption rate - diesel and petrol are refined from mineral oil using differing methods. The result is diesel engines having a lower fuel consumption rate than their petrol counterparts when installed in a vehicle of similar mass. CO2 emissions are also lower in a diesel engine than they are in a petrol engine.

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What is a nitro car?

A nitro car is just like a remote control car, with the exception that the nitro car has a small engine that runs on nitro fuel.

How far will a car go on one liter of petrol?

Depends on the gas mileage of the vehicle. Huge difference between, say, a Prius and a Hummer.

Do you have to have a glow plug for your RC car?

Nitro or petrol powered ones yes, but electric ones no. Basically if the fuel is a flammable liquid you have to have a glow plug

What is the difference between aquariums and tanks?

In the fishkeeping world there is no difference. A Fish Tank is an Aquarium. Of course a Tank is simply a container and can be anything from a war machine to a container for petrol on a car.

What is the difference between electric cars and petrol cars?

Electric cars are better for the environment. Whereas, the fuel vehicle emits harmful gases like carbon due to petrol or diesel. But, electric vehicles produce fewer greenhouse gases and air pollution than petrol. That's why interest in purchasing an electric vehicle is increasing.

What would win electric RC car or nitro RC car?

nitro as it will get a better boost