By adding the letter R to the word HIRES, and rearranging the letters, you can form the word SHRIEK, which means to scream.
it is a word game the word is SHORT then add ER letters at end, to make SHORTER
The word is SHORT it was 5 letter you then add ER
The word "short", if you add the letters 'e'and 'r'.
Make a word out of the letters add up the letter scores for a total word and add all four.
The comparitive form of the word nice is nicer, but whatever you do, don't just add 'er' onto the end of every word to make it comparitive!
Yes, you would just have to add your letters onto the end of an existing word, but so that it's still a legitimate word word. EXAMPLE: Word on the board = nation (six letters) You add "als" to make = nationals (nine letters)