2-letter words
aa, ad, ae, as, ba, be, da, de, es, pa, pe
3-letter words
aas, aba, ads, ape, asp, baa, bad, bas, bed, dab, dap, deb, des, pad, pas, pea, ped, pes, sab, sad, sae, sap, sea, spa
4-letter words
abas, abed, aped, apes, apse, asea, baas, bade, bads, base, bead, beds, dabs, daps, debs, pads, pase, peas, peds, sabe, sade, spae, sped
5-letter words
abase, baaed, based, beads, sabed, spade, spaed
6-letter words
66 words found.
You can spell beware.
There are no Scrabble words that meet the criteria, but you can make gavot using some of the letters.
B i r d
What word does these notes on the staff spell?
The following words:SiegedEdgesDiesDigsEdgeJigsSeedSide
Using all the letters in one word, Nothing.
Using the letters a, p, h, e, l, d, and s, one can spell the word "plashed", which means to dash a liquid upon or against.