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Q: What words can be made from the word bovine?
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How many words can be made out of the word bovine?


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How do you use bovine in a sentence?

The word "bovine" can be used as a noun or an adjective.Used as a noun it would be:"His size, as well as his horns, made the bull an impressive bovine."Used as an adjective it would be:"Our car was trapped by the bovine herd."

What is another compound word for bovine fellow?

Bovine kind.

What is a word that contains the prefix bov?

"Bovine" is a word that contains the prefix "bov-." It refers to something related to cattle or cows.

Words that end in ine?

bovine famine

What words can be made from the word birthday?

Words that can be made from the word birthday:AadatairaidartaridbirthbirdbitbraybarbadbatbathbaydabdartdaydirtdrabdartdrayIitrayratrathribridtabtartadtidytraytry

What words can be made from the word genetics?

Words that can be made from the word genetics are:centetc.genegentgetgingiggistgringritIiceinisitnestnetniceniecenitsectsiegesentsetsignsignetsinsingsingesitsiteteetententtictietiestintinetingetint

What words can be made with the word hugely?

Words that can be made with the word hugely are:gelglueguylegluglugelyeheheyhughugeugly

Another word for cattle ends in ine?


What is a 6 letter word for cows and bulls?

"Bovine" is a 6-letter word that refers to both cows and bulls.

What words can be made out of word?

Words that can be made from the letters in 'word' are: do ow rod row