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The Empire and Imperium are very closely tied, both worshiping a man-god. The Orcs and Space Orks are both orcish and therefore correspond. Eldar and Dark Eldar are the spitting image of High elves and Dark elves although the dark eldar worship Slaanesh, while the dark elves worship Khaine, as do the Eldar, but not in the evil way. Chaos corresponds in both game systems, albeit in different forms. Daemons can be used for both games with the same army (as long as you have square bases for Fantasy, and round bases for 40k)

and there are some less obvious ones. like tyranids and lizardmen because they both get in close to the enemy and kill everyone.dwarfs and space marines are similar because they have advanced technowlodgy and good armor saves.necrons are similar to tomb kings because they both look like skeletons.

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Q: Which armies correspond in Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k?
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Answer 40K is a mini war game were two or more people collect miniatures and then assemble, paint and battle them.

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Answer Warhammer Epic is much smaller than 40K. It is also cheaper.

In warhammer 40k can tau beat space marines?

Yes. All armies are able to beat the other armies....... there is no "Win every game" army for you to play.