Kool-Aid is a popular use for temporary dye, and sharpie will also work, though there are no ways to guess when that will come out.
dye your hair
Just 'cause.
no they do not
no it won't if you dye it then it won't wash out. permanet dye will work the most.
Not really .
It does work but it really depends on what kind of hair you have and how well it reacts/absorbs the bleach and dye.
colour it or paint it no other way but it would just be stupid and it would ruin your hair badly its most use to spend money on dye not letres of water to wash it out
The following website has a photo tutorial on how to dye Dawn dolls. The same can be done for Barbie. http://www.toppertowers.com/apts/riverview/scarletrob/dye.htm Here is another website that gives a different recipe especially for Mod Barbies. http://www.dollrestoration.com/faces.htm
no she really had dark brown hair but decided to dye it blonde
Yes, hair bleach might work and normal bleach might work. Hair dye is a stain, so it's not permanent.