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No. Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island). Syracuse is a city in upstate New York.

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Q: Are Brooklyn New York and Syracuse New York the same place?
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New York city to Brooklyn New York?

Brooklyn is one of the burrows in New York City. So they're pretty much in the same place.

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What is the mileage between Manhattan New York and New York New York?

there are the same place. so therefore no distance!New York, New York refers to the city of New York, one borough of which is Manhattan.The other four boroughs are: Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island.

Is Brooklyn is a self-governing township?

No. Brooklyn is a borough of the City of New York. It has a borough president, but that is largely a ceremonial post. Brooklyn occupies the same space as Kings County. Most of the governmental functions are citywide.

Does Mayor Stephanie A Miner of Syracuse New York support or oppose same-sex marriage?

Mayor Miner supports same-sex marriage and is a member of Mayors for the Freedom to Marry.

Where does Brooklyn get its tap water?

Brooklyn's tap water is supplied by the same system that brings water to the rest of New York City. The water is brought by gravity from several reservoirs in upstate New York, the most famous of which is the Croton Reservoir.

What year did Brooklyn Dodgers leave New York City?

The Dodgers final season in Brooklyn was 1957.

What is the difference between the Manhattan Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge?

No, they are not the same bridge. Three bridges connect Lower Manhattan to Brooklyn: the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and Williamsburg Bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge is the furthest south, the Manhattan Bridge is in the middle, and the Williamsburg Bridge is the furthest north. The Brooklyn Bridge was originally called the "New York and Brooklyn Bridge," which is perhaps where some of the confusion comes from. But when the bridge opened in 1883, New York City consisted mostly of just Manhattan. It was not until 15 years later, in 1898, that the five boroughs -- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island -- united to form modern-day New York City. Before then, Brooklyn was its own city (the other three consisted of small towns and farmland), so the bridge was called the "New York and Brooklyn Bridge" because it united the city of New York and the city of Brooklyn. Of course, today Brooklyn is part of New York City, so calling it the "New York and Brooklyn Bridge" is redundant.

Is Kings a borough of New York City?

Sort of, but no, not exactly. The five boroughs of New York City are Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Each borough is also a county in state government: Brooklyn is Kings County, Manhattan is New York County, Staten Island is Richmond County, and the other two have the same names (Queens is Queens County and The Bronx is Bronx County). The borough of Brooklyn and Kings County are the same piece of land, but Brooklyn is the name of the borough and Kings is the name of the county.

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Is the New York capitol building in the same place as it was when it was built?

Yes, New York's current capitol building is in the same place as it was when it was built. However, this is the fourth capitol building in New York.