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Yes! Of course there are!

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Q: Are there shetland ponies in Ireland?
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Can shetland ponies breed?

Yes - if they did not there would be no more Shetland ponies.

Where do Shetland Ponies come from?

Shetland Ponies come from The Shetland Isles in the North Sea, just above and to the east of Scotland, in the UK.

What are shetland ponies used for?

Shetland ponies can be ridden by young and small children. Shetland ponies are also used as paddock pals for racehorses and horses.

How are Shetland ponies mammals?

Shetland ponies are mammals as they bear live young and suckle them

What is shetland ponies enemy?

Humans and cougars are the top predators of Shetland Ponies. They are native to Scotland.

Where do shetland ponies mostly live?

Shetland Islands

Do Shetland ponies live in NZ?

Hi, I live in England and have a shetland pony and to be honest with you there is no reason why shetland ponies couldn't live in New Zealand

Who is a shetland ponies prey?


Why are Shetland ponies herbivores?

All horses AND ponies are herbivores.

What predators do shetland ponies have?

Humans and cougars are the top predators of Shetland Ponies. They are native to Scotland.

When was the shetland ponies brought to the us?

It appears that Shetland Ponies were brought to The United States of America in the mid 1800's if you want to see for yourself check out this site:

Where are there wild horses in scotland?

In the Shetland Islands! That is where Shetland Ponies come from.