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no you can not breed your holland lop rabbit at four months old!

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3y ago

they need to be atleast 6 mnts old

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Q: Can you breed your holland lop rabbit at 4 months old?
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Related questions

What is the right age to breed a male holland lop rabbit?

at least 6 months old

How did holland lop bunnies get there name?

from where they were first created. some guy tried to get a bunny breed from mating a french lop rabbit and a dwarf rabbit and accidentally made a Holland lop.

Are Holland Lops a medium breed of rabbit?

Holland lops are a small breed of rabbit. they are actually smaller than the mini lops. i have a holland lop and they make very sweet pets.

What is the best breed of rabbit?

Any rabbit! But the most popular rabbit breeds are Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, and/or Netherland Dwarf Rabbit!

Where did a Holland lop originate?

The Holland lop eared rabbit originated in the Netherlands.

Does a holland lop rabbit hibernate?

No kind of rabbit hibernates.

Can you breed a tricolor Holland Lop with a broken Holland Lop?

Yes, as long as they are the right age.

Where can you get a good holland lop near Dallas Texas?

You can get a Holland Lop at your nearest animal shelter or Humane society! They have a great variety of rabbit breeds. You might even find a rabbit cuter than a Holland Lop!

What's the difference between a London Lop rabbit and an English Lop?

The English Lop is a very large-eared lop rabbit. There's no breed formally known as the "London Lop" - this is not a recognised breed.

What is the mini Holland lop rabbit habitat like?

No. The Holland Lop originated in Holland and weighs 4 pounds. The Mini Lop originated in Germany and weighs 5 pounds.

What is a lop eared rabbit's last height?

The rabbit would grow about 13-16 pounds it just depends on the breed. There are so many breeds like Holland Lop rabbits, Mini Lop rabbits, English Lop rabbits French Lop rabbits, and American Fuzzy Lop rabbits. These breeds of lop eared rabbits are just in the US.

When do a Holland Lop rabbit's ears flop?

A good holland lop's ears will start to lop at 4 weeks of age. If they are not lopped over by 3 months age they will probably not lop over properly ever. They will more than likely airplane at half mast the rest of their life.