Zagat has selected the best Chinese restaurants in New York City based on our most recent survey. This list includes the top 5 rated New York City Chinese restaurants as listed in our New York City guide.
The two most likely contenders appear to be Schezuan and Hunan (judging by what I've seen in 27 years of Chinese-food-eating in New York City).
TOHOKU in Japan
New York Chinese School was created in 1909.
The address of the Museum Of Chinese In America is: 215 Centre St, New York, NY 10013
natal food new york foodnadale food new york foodnadale food new york
People who want to eat authentic Chinese food or meet Jackie Chan.
The address of the Museum Of Chinese In The Americas is: 70 Mulberry Street 2Nd Floor, New York, NY 10013-4477
The web address of the Museum Of Chinese In America is:
The web address of the Museum Of Chinese In The Americas is:
new york
No, you will need a New York teacher's license to teach in New York.