In Carl Rogers' theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known as self-concept. This is a key concept in humanistic psychology, highlighting the importance of how we see and define ourselves.
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Descartes made significant contributions to psychology by emphasizing the importance of the mind-body connection, proposing the concept of dualism where the mind and body are separate entities. His ideas about the mind's ability to reason and think independently of the body laid a foundation for further exploration of mental processes in psychology.
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Theories provide frameworks for understanding and explaining phenomena in psychology. Hypotheses are specific predictions derived from theories that can be tested through research. Operational definitions define how variables are measured or manipulated in a study. Replication is crucial for confirming the reliability and validity of research findings in psychology.
define d term GOVERNMENT
the study of observable behavior
study of animal and human behavior
concept is also know as antity
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you are what you eat