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On occasion, yes

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Q: Do male tigers eat other cubs?
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Do tigers eat?

yes, they are carnivores, so they eat meat (other animals)

Why do male tigers eat their cubs?

The male will eat their own tiger cubs if they are very hungry and can't find food for themself.

Do tigers eat there cubs?

Tiger cubs eat Gazelle, Deer and other animals that their parents hunt for them. When they get old enough they must learn to hunt for themselves, they could still eat fish or steal from man kind.

Can tigers eat other tigers?

Yes. If two males were to fight over territory, and on the rare occasion that a tiger was killed, other tigers don't normally eat the remains. But a male tiger will kill, and sometimes even eat very young cubs, if he is not the father, and the mother can't stop him. When the mother doesn't have any cubs to tend, her body will adjust and begin another breeding cycle much faster, giving the male the chance to breed with her, advancing his genetic line. For more details, see the sites listed below.

Do tigers eat their own tiger cubs?

they only eat their cubs if they cant find food for themselfs

Do lions eat their cubs?

No, but when the pride's male leader is challenged and beaten by a newcomer they usually kill the other make's cubs.

Do male black bears eat their own or other bear cubs?

<Male Black Bears eat their cubs for a reason. When looking for food themselves, having left the mother/cubs they can stumble upon the mother's/cubs' territory. Since he is hungry, he ends up eating his cubs.

What is the Bengal tigers predator?

the Bengal tiger is at the top of the food chain, but still other tigers will eat the grown up. the cubs are eaten by all of the carnivores.

What is the first food tiger cubs eat?

baby animals that all tigers eat.

What do tiger eats AND who eats him?

Well an adult male will eat a baby tiger cub but that is it. No other type of tigers will eat their own kind unless it is a baby.

Do tigers have any predators?

Adult tigers do not have any predators (unless you count man). However, they do when they are young cubs. The animals that prey on tiger cubs, when they are not with their mothers for protection, are: leopards, bears, and even adult male tigers.Human beings are the tiger's only natural enemies as adults. The cubs may be killed by leopards, or other tigers.

Which eat more tigers or cheetahs?

Tigers. A big male can eat 80 pounds of meat at a sitting. Corbett saw a big male eat a buffalo in five days!