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Q: Does the governor and Lt governor of Texas have to run for office together as the president and vice president?
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Related questions

What state office is the equivalent of the office of the vice president of the united states?

In Texas, there is the office of Lieutenant Governor, which is similar to Vice President in many ways. Currently, only seven states do not have a Lt. Gov.

What government of office was George W. Bush before he was president?

George W Bush was governor of Texas.

What is the address for the governor's office in Texas?

Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428

What president was the governor of Texas from 1995 to 2001?

George W. Bush was the only governor of Texas to become president.

What state was George W. Bush governor before he was the president?

Texas. Bush was governor of Texas before he ran for President.

Who is the President of Texas Senate?

The Lieutenant Governor of Texas.

Why is the office of the lieutenent governor considered by some to be the most powerful office in Texas state government?

The Governor of Texas doesn't have much power, such as hiring or firing staff - much of it is controlled by the legislature. But the Lieutenant Governor plays an active role as President of the Senate (unlike the US Vice President) and also chairs a number of important government boards.

How is the U.S. President different from the Texas Governor?

The U.S. President has more power than the Texas governor. A governor affects only his own state, the President is in charge of all 50.

What is the maximum number of years a governor of Texas can serve in office?

The maximum number of years a governor of Texas can serve in office is 4 years.

What happens when a state lieutenant governor resigns?

When a vacancy occurs in the office of the lieutenant governor of Texas, the Senate will elect one of its members as the acting President of the Senate until the next state-wide office election.

Who was elected governor of two different states?

Sam Houston -- First Governor of Tennessee, then President of Texas, then Governor of Texas

Which president was elected twice as governor of Texas?

President George W. Bush is the US president that was twice elected the governor of Texas. He served as governor from January 17, 1995 to December 21, 2000.