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There are two questions here that are both important to answer.

Firstly, there is a question of whether or not Egypt actually won the Yom Kippur War. Those that say that it did, show that Israelis suffered defeats early in the war when they were caught off-guard. Also, in the early armistice negotiations, Israelis had to make the first moves of withdrawal from African Egyptian territory. Israelis counter that Egypt lost the Yom Kippur War because they failed to secure their primary objective, the Sinai Peninsula, which remained in Israeli hands after hostilities had ceased.

Secondly, assuming that the Egyptian perspective is held, the Egyptians won the war by calling the armistice at the right time and holding the powerful Egyptian Third Army on the east bank of the Suez Canal, primed to strike. The Israelis counter saying that the armistice was called as Israeli soldiers were advancing on Cairo and that the Egyptian Third Army was cutoff and dependent on Israeli goodwill for food and basic supplies.

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