Kofe Katerine
кофе (ko-feh)
Сладкий кофе [slah-dky koh-feh]
A Black Russian is vodka and coffee liqueur. A White Russian is vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream.
Horoshi Kofia. (hah ROH shee KOH fee yuh)
A Black Russian is a cocktail that mixes in a coffee liqueur and vodka.
To say sweetheart in Russian you say dorogaya. To say I love you in Russian you would say, Ya lyublyu tebya.
A white russian is a sweet cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueurs, and cream served with ice. The alcoholic parts of the drink are vodka and coffee liqueurs.
this how you say animal in Russian животное
How do you say "Dylan Smith" in Russian?
Джиттербаг is how you say jitterbug in Russian
Trenatsat is how you say thirteen in Russian.