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They hunted large and small animals, and planted crops.

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Q: How early people in Texas obtain food?
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How did early human obtain their food?

They obtain there food by killing animals and gathering fruit and plants

Does a person make or obtain food?

people make food from farming and obtain food from animals

How did native Americans obtain food in the archaic era in Texas?

During the archaic era in Texas, the Native Americans were able to obtain food by hunting and gathering. They fished, hunted wild animals and used plant resources for food. They were also able to farm and grow staple grain crops.

How did the onset of farming affect early civilization in Africa?

Farming had a major affect on early civilization in Africa. As people were able to obtain the food that was necessary for survival and nutrition the population began to grow rapidly.

How do the people in obtain their food in Ghana?

They get their food by gathering fruit from the trees in the Ghana forest

Which method did the earliest people obtain food?

The earliest people obtained food by scavenging, hunting and gathering.

How did the people of the Arctic obtain food?

Hunting, fishing and trapping.

What were the three reasons for early civilization to interact with the ocean?

Obtain food, Discover new lands, means of trade.

How do people obtain food in Argentina?

you firebend the crops you firebend the crops

How did people obtain food during the Paleolithis Age?

Hunting and gathering.

How did early people chop food?

They didn't. They tore into the food with their teeth.

Why did early people migrate south?

The early people migrated South for food clothing and better jobs.