If the letter is sent by first class post, it will arrive the day after it is posted.
The number of stamps that you need to send a letter from Australia to London, will depend with the value of one stamp.
It costs $0.98 to send a letter to London.... no special stamp needed since they now all go via air-mail.
3 stamps. An average stamp is $0.44 so one would need $1.32 to send a letter from London to Utah.
Cost from the US is 98 cents for an ordinary letter.
I was told over £300
A road way., By the way of; as, to send a letter via Queenstown to London.
One first class postage.
It depends where he lives.But don't worry he will send a letter back.
In the 1800s, it typically took around one to two weeks to send a letter.
You send it to: One Direction Modest Management The Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Rod. London, SW6 3BU UK
From Gibraltar to a London area airports (Stansted, Gatwick, Heathrow and Luton) takes on average 2 hours, 41 minutes