It is unknown how many Scots, English, Welsh Northern Irish or any other people join the SAS, as their recruitment reports and what not are classified documents.
Yes they can, the're more likley to join the SBS (special boat service) but the SAS invite people in the navy, air force and marines to join the SAS
Yes! Apply to your senior officer for guidance.
It is best to join the army first then move on from there, the SAS are the world elite.Answer:To the best of my knowledge you can't just join the SAS.They only recruit experienced troops: in other words you need some service under your belt first, and then apply.Your chances improve if you're a para.You could join 21(R) or 23(R) SAS (which are territorial)
Yes, if he passes Special Forces selection.
Yes, Bear served as a trooper with 21 SAS.
No. Not unless you become a UK citizen, as required by every other post in the British Army.
Im not 100% sure but, Im pretty sure only brits (like my self) can join the SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (SAS) The US navy seals is pure American and so is the UNSC (I Think)
2000 Scots went to colonise Darien.
No. You have to meet the citizenship requirements of the british army which includes nationalities other than british (E.g Commonwealth nations)
As I have suggested elsewhere, if you don't like running don't join the Foreign Legion. Being super fit is just a part of the SAS requirement. You then have to be able to function under extreme stress at a very high standard. & then some.
a few hundred
4 in a patrol