As many as u want
how many cigarettes can i bring into new york from dublin duty free shop.
Last year, it was restricted only to 2 packs, but I think 1 carton is the highest amount which can be sold to Germany
how many carton of cigarettes can any aduilt can bring home across state lines leagelly
from 1st October 2011. TOBACCO guidelines for personal use - 800 cigarettes (was 3,200), 200 cigars, 1 Kg smoking tobacco (was3 Kg).
Greece and the UK is part of the EU, 3200 cigarettes. From outside the EU it is 200.See full list from HMRC website.
The answer is a qualified yes.A traveler may include up to 1000 cigarettes in his duty-free exemption amount (there is a $1600 limit on the total value of goods in the exemption amount, so if you're also bringing in other items you should be aware of that) as long as at least 800 of them were purchased in the USVI. No more than 200 cigarettes purchased outside the USVI may be included.For any cigarettes in excess of that, you must pay a duty (flat rate of 1.5% of value) and they are also subject to Internal Revenue Service taxes.So, if your real question was "I bought a pack of cigarettes on vacation, can I bring the back with me?" -- yes. If it was "Can I buy many cartons of cigarettes and bring them back with me" -- not without paying duties and taxes.Notice that the cigarettes must be declared either way.