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For pet hedgehogs, the gestation is about 35 days.

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Q: How many days is the gestation period of a hedgehog?
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Two marsupials share the shortest gestation period. The Virginian opossum and the yapok (an unusual, rare water opossum) have a gestation period period of 12-13 days. Several sources cite the Eastern quoll of Australia as also having a gestation period of 12-13 days, but this is incorrect. The Eastern quoll's gestation period is 21 days. The longest known gestation period of any animal is that of the African elephant. Its gestation period averages 660 days but can extend to 760 days.

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How many months does the tiger born?

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How many months do donkeys carry their babies?

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For how many days would a fish be pregnant?

Most of the livebearers have a gestation period of around 30 days. This of course varies with the temperature of the water.