The number of stamps would depend on their denominations, which would also be reflected in the weight of the package and the mode of transport.
form_title= Postage Stamps form_header= Buy postage stamps for all your mailing needs. How many stamps do you need?*= {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, More than 50} What are you mailing?*= _ [50] What theme would you like on the stamps?*= _ [50]
Depends on the size and weight of what you are mailing? Also depends on what value stamps you are using.
4 stamps
if it weighs an ounce or less, three stamps.
ASk the postman...
How much to send a first class letter to Philippines?
How much to send a first class letter to Philippines?
You are not allowed to use the Forever Stamps for international mail. They are for domestic (inside the US) use only.
In the US, the amount of postage is the same for mailing a letter anywhere within the US. Not sure is additional charge for mailing to Hawaii.
The postage will depend on the size and weight of whatever is being posted!
You need one if its a letter and like a whole bunch if your mailing a box.