~USD 0.05/kWh.
TT is an oil-producing country, so energy there is *way* cheaper than in other Caribbean countries. These have a kWh ranging from USD 0.20 - 0.37.
how much will water and electricity cost?
What is the cost to extract a tooth in Trinidad and Tobago
That very much depends on the cost of the coal. Question has no answer
The cost of electricity per month depends on the amount that is used. For the average house, it will cost between 50 to 75 dollars. If the home is heated by electricity, it can cost considerably more.
h does electricity cost per kilowatt hour at wales?
It depends on various situations, if electricity is utilizing in factory for producing units of product then it is direct cost as much time work continues in factory as much electricity requires, but if it is in office room which has not concern with factory environment then it is not direct cost
Trinidad and Tobago Dollar (TTD).