In certain Asian countries it is considered an insult to the cook if you don't burp after eating a meal.
The correct spelling is ''burping''.
Whoever replied before me doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. It is considered polite to burp during or after meals in some places in the world. I believe Italy is one, China, India, Russia...
Yes burping is nasty
The "Neutronic Burping Soda" .
burping wasn't invented it is a natural thing and was never invented
Burping is when gas is expelled through the mouth, often with an accompanying noise.
No it can not
They can show respect at the dining table by burping after finishing a meal, it is very polite for Chinese people. It shows satisfaction.
You can't finish lunch without burping. Sorry!
There are videos of Miley Cyrus burping. These videos however are not usually available for the public because they are personal.
what about it no one will answer unless you say something about coughing and hacking and burping dumas think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if your dog keeps burping you might be feeding it to much once a day will do