The west African kingdoms like Ghana, Mali and Songhai experienced prosperity through the trade of gold and salt which was of high value back then.
The West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai experienced great political and economic prosperity because they: B: traded with many other nations
Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Are the three main empires of africa
Many early African kingdoms collapsed because of inter-tribal fighting over leadership.
Sonni Ali Of Songhai was differ from most other West African rulers because he did not adopt Islam but, he was a follower of Islam.
it affected it because the kingdoms (with trade) slowly got richer and richer.
Because these rajput kingdoms frequently fought among themselves and they seldom joined hands together.
The kingdoms that developed away is the great shrew,the shak tiger,because it was known for it's aggresive taxs,and the turchicken,known to have turchickens.
Western African kingdoms prospered because they controlled the West African trade routes. In addition to that, kingdoms like Mali exported ivory, gold, and salt (among other goods), which were always in high demand.
the kings in African kingdoms were lured by Europeans with gifts such as manufactured goods and money and in return they allowed other Africans to be exported as slaves
Because white men just took people from the african kingdoms and enslaved them cause they think they're better than the rest of the world. not just from west african but ALL da world.
of infighting among Songhai subjects.