From its one chamber the legislature of the Second Continental Congress exercised both legislative and executive powers. Therefore, it is known as a unicameral legislature.
NO it is not. The Governor of a State is the head of the EXECUTIVE branch.It is therefore an example of EXECUTIVE POWER.
Canberra is Australia's official capital city. It is the seat of Federal Parliament, and therefore the political capital of Australia. It is not a state capital.
Federal Government ( Parliament ) the Senate Provincial Government ( Legislature ) Local Government ( Mayors and Councillors for that city )
There are 646 seats (and therefore MPs) in the Westminster Parliament
In a democratic system which is comprised of 3 branches of government namely: the Judiciary, the Legislative, and the Executive' the functions are, therefore, divided and limited. Whereas the functions of the judiciary is to interpret the law, the legislative branch is the one that creates it and the executive administers or implements the law.
Parliament Which consists of two houses - the House of Commons (lower house) and the House of Lords (upper house) and is therefore a bicameral system. In addition legislation needs Royal assent from the Sovereign In effect politically the House of Commons has the power, the House of Lords has limited powers and the Sovereign acts on advice from his/her ministers. Parliament. For all practical purposes, the House of Commons makes the laws in the Untied Kingdom.
Australia is a continent as well as a country. Therefore the continent of Healesville, Australia is Australia.
The Australian parliament started in Melbourne because, quite simply, Melbourne was the only city with a building large enough to house Parliament. Melbourne was never the capital of Australia. There is a common misconception that, because Melbourne was the temporary seat of government between Federation (1901) and 1927, that it was also the capital. This was not the case, as it was never officially designated the title of Capital - not even temporarily. Australia's two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, had been rivals since before the goldrush days. It was therefore decided that the nation's capital should be situated between the two cities. A location was chosen which was 248km from Sydney and 483km from Melbourne. Thus, Canberra became Australia's first, and only, capital city. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.
First-World countries use a parliamentary system because they are sophisticated. America uses a parliamentary system that governs its citizens through appointing Justices for the Judiciary, Executives for the Executive, and Legislatives for the Legislature. The people vote for who represents them in Parliament, so therefore, they are given representation. In 'merica, the people vote on who represents them in the national government, but what they dont know, which doesnt hurt them, is that the ultimate ruler, being the man of the executive branch, chooses who represents government for all political powers. This is how checks and balances work.unfortunately the above answer has several inaccuracies which appear to be based upon an 'all-American' approach to answering the question _in an increasingly globalized community where standards of living and representation are being raised significantly the term 'First-World' is actually becoming out-moded and the term 'sophisticated' has not been clearly defined either and is therefore also open to dispute _to answer this question more accurately the first step might be to define the meaning of the term 'parliament' _ a national representative body which has supreme legislative powers within the state which it governs _if 'parliament' is defined in this way then it immediately becomes clear that the vast majority of countries in the world have some form of parliament which governs their people through various 'parliamentary systems' of which the American parliament is an example of a republican parliamentary system
The houses of parliament is the law making body of the UK and therefore responsible for the country's finances.
They are alol part of the Executive Branch because they all help the President.The president is the leader of the Executive branch, therefore, they are part of the executive branch