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62%-Urban 37%-Rural 1%-Unknown, happy now?

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Q: Urban percentage in Singapore
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Why everyone in Singapore lives in urban settlement?


Why does everyone in Singapore live in urban settlements?


What percentage of wate in Singapore is recycled?

45% of solid waste in Singapore is recycled

What is the percentage of pet owners in Singapore?

As of 2007, there were approximately 152,600 pet owners in Singapore. It's not know what percentage of the population are pet owners.

What are the major landforms of Singapore?

Singapore is not known to have any major landforms since the country is mostly urban with man made structures

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What is the percentage of urban housing in the US?

The percentage of urban housing in the United States is 30 percent. This data is according to the US Urban Population as of December 2013.?æ

Which continent has the lowest percentage of urban population?

Africa has the lowest percentage of urban population among all continents, with around 40% of its population residing in urban areas.