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Bristol had slaves Craig haugson

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Q: Was Bristol well positioned for the slave trade with America?
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Related questions

What were the three English ports which were most in voled in the slave trade?

The main BRITISH ports involved in the slave trade were London, Bristol and Liverpool.

Where was the stop of the slave trade?

Who stopped the slave tradethe slave trade sropped in America. And then abollished in England and Pakistan. I think

Which ports did English ships sail from during the slave trade?

Liverpool, London and Bristol were the main ones.

What trade rout that included Africa America and Europe?

The slave trade

What does Bristol have to do with slavery?

In the 1700s Bristol was the UKs 2nd biggest prot after London and beacuse of it's location it was the main UK port involved int he transatlantic slave trade.

When was Britain involved in slave trade?

Captain John Hawkins started the British slave trade in 1562. It came to America in 1619. The British got out of the slave trade in 1807.

Why was America important to the slave trade story?

they were mean to them

What goods traveled from America in the slave trade?


Which UK Ports benefited most from the Slave Trade?

London had a monopoly on the slave trade until the late 17th century. From then on Liverpool in the North West and Bristol in the South West were the two ports most heavily involved

Why did Bristol become involved in the slave trade?

We saw other countries with slaves and we wanted them to work on the plantations, and to show we had power and wealth.

What state in America did not outlaw the slave trade at first?


How was traditional African music brought to America?

Uh, the slave trade?