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Q: What 2 countries were invaded and annexed by japan?
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What two countries did Japan invade in Asia during the 1930's?

1. One of the countries that Japan invaded was China 2. The secound country that japan invaded was Manchuria which is north eastern China.

What was one of the actions that led to the World War 2?

Germany invaded Poland and Japan invaded China.

What were the years countries were invaded in World War 2?

there were a lot of countries invaded during WW2. there was Yugoslavia, Poland, the Soviet Union, china, indochina, estonia, latvia, lithuania, norway, denmark, japan, germany, and probably a lot more.

Which three countries during the early 1930's successfully invaded other nations in world war 2?

Germany Japan and Italy

What countries did the United States invade during World War 2?

Conquered lands were liberated by the US/Allies; Germany and Italy were invaded; and some of the "home" islands belonging to Japan were invaded. Japan "proper", the main islands, were never invaded...the A-Bomb made that un-necessary. Answer US soldiers were involved in Allied amphibious assaults on the following countries: Morroco & Algiers in North Africa Italy France - Southern & Northern sites Japan Phillipines (occupied by Japanese) As US troops advanced, they liberated the following countries: Tunisia, Belgium. US invaded the following countries by land: Germany, Austria.

Who invaded China in World War 2?


How were Japan's actions before and during World War 2 similar to Germany and actions over the same period?

Both countries invaded neighboring countries to expand their territory and influence.

How were Japan actions before and during World War 2 similar to Germany and actions over the same period?

Both countries invaded neighboring countries to expand their territory and influence.

Why did the philppines get involved in world 2?

The Philippine army was commanded by the American General Douglas MacArthur, and the Philippines was one of the first countries invaded by Japan.

How did Mongolia get involved in World War 2?

They were invaded by Japan.

Which country was annexed by the Germans at the start of World War II?

Well by the first part of Question of "Which country was annexed by the Germans", The answer is Austria but it was in 1938. Germany invaded Poland which triggered World War 2.

What countries started World War 2 by taking land outside their borders?

Italy invaded Ethiopia, but the world didn't care. Germany took Austria, Czechoslovakia, and no one cared until they invaded Poland. Japan invaded China, Burma but not much care from other countries until they bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.