theatre of the sea (islamorada) robbies (islamorada) if you want to go to the keys i recommend islamorada
The address of the Florida Keys History And Diving Museum is: 82990 Overseas Hwy, Islamorada, FL 33036-3600
It is 312.72 miles according to MapQuest
It takes about 5 hours to drive from Orlando, Florida to Islamorada, Florida. The trip is about 325 miles long. It will take longer if there is heavy traffic in the summer months.
It is 80.2 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Matecumbe Historical Trust Corp is: Po Box 1175, Islamorada, FL 33036-1175
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 13 ninutes.
The driving distance from Islamorada, Florida to Key West, Florida is 81 miles.
The web address of the Florida Keys History And Diving Museum is:
The best fishing locations in the Florida Keys are Key Largo and Islamorada. Also, Marathon and Big Pine Key as well as Key West are very good fishing locations.
Golden corral and ponderosa. Both are cheap but TASTY restaurants
It first hit the Florida Keys and destroyed most of the buildings in the Islamorada area.