no. the Siberian husky, is the Siberian husky. but there are other types of huskies. there is the Siberian, the Alaskan, the Mackenzie river husky. some people would also include the Alaskan malamute.
all i knew of was the Siberian husky
Actually their are TWO the Siberian husky and the Alaskan husky.... the Siberian husky is the only one that is recognized by ANY registry where as the Alaskan husky is a newer "hybrid" that has incorporated Siberian huskies, samoyeds, German shepherds, karilian bear dogs and other breeds to improve the sledding capabilities for competitive racing.........please not the two breeds could not be confused as they look completely different
1. There is only one breed of husky and it's the Siberian Husky.
Husky's retard
In the world there are over 100 different breeds of dog e.g: labrador ,husky ,papillion,rotwiler,greyhound.
No not all husky's have 2 different color eyes. It seems to be a genetic trait that shows up more often in Husky's than other breeds, but not all of them have it.
No. Only one size.
husky hound
The kingdom of the Alaskan Husky is Animalia. This applies to all domestic dog breeds.
More Than 65 breeds !
Siberian Husky
There are many breeds of dog on foopets. A few examples are: Red husky, Husky, Chihuahua, Marley lab, Boston terrier, Dachshund and Great dane. (: They do add new breeds of cat/dog. by Moggiee at foopets.
Scientists have confirmed from their research that the Siberian Husky is the oldest breed of dog. Siberians were isolated from other breeds for thousands of years so there was no opportunity for them to be mated with other breeds.
If you mean sled dog breeds?Traditional sled dog breeds include the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute, the Chinook, the Sakhalin Husky, the Canadian Eskimo dog, the Seppala Siberian sled dog, the Tamaskan husky, the Samoyed, the Eurohound, the Mackenzie River husky, and the Greenland dog.While these dogs are bred for the purpose of pulling a sled, many other breeds have been used, including mixed breeds. These days, that tradition lives on in sled dog racing, where the most popular breeds include the Alaskan Husky, and various cross breeds, often based on the German Shorthaired Pointer. However, many breeds have been used, including the poodle!Alaskan huskies are favored in modern sled dog races because they are faster than traditional breeds like the Alaskan malamute or the Samoyed. They are not as strong, but in sled dog racing where speed is important, and the distances are shorter, Alaskan huskies were found to perform better. Alaskan husky dogs are not a recognized breed. They are bred for their performance, and so they cannot be easily characterized as a breed. Alaskan husky dogs represent a variety of types with different lines. They are hybrid dogs - a husky with another breed, that is determined by the needs and ideas of the breeders. A husky may be bred with a wolf, setters, or any other breed that can bring genetic advantages in speed and endurance.
Dogs could breed with other breeds.