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The loss of serfs on the manor.

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Q: What caused feudalism to decline?
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How did the crusades contribute to the decline of feudalism?

The Crusades caused many nobles and knights to leave their land which caused feudalism to decline. Because of the decline in feudalism, many kings took the opprotunity to come to power and create a kingdom.

What impact will the plague have on the decline of feudalism?

Black Death caused people to loose faith. Thus it resulted in revolts against feudalism.


Black Death killed almost 75 to 200 million people. This caused people to loose their faith and end feudalism.

How did the Treaty of Verdun contribute to Feudalism?

The Treaty of Verdun in 843 caused Frankish kingdom to divide into 3 kingdoms, which lead to decline of strong rulers. The dissolution of the Frankish empire caused the era to return into the Dark Ages, until feudalism arose.

What were the key factors that led to the decline of feudalism?

3 factors that led to the end of feudalism was the bubonic plague, the hundreds' years war, and the magna carta

Why did feudalism decline in Europe in 1215?

1215 was the year of the Magna Carta. This was a document that limited the powers of the monarch of England, which therefore was a decline in feudalism in that specific area.

Who lost power as a result of the rise of Townes in decline of feudalism?


When did feudalism decline in the middle ages?

No Idea that is what I am trying to figure out

What are the reasons of the decline of feudalism?

black death (plague) and crusades

Was Feudalism declined in the late Middle Ages?

No, feudalism flourished between 900 and 1500, but then started to decline at a steady pace.

How did the commercial revolution contribute to the decline of feudalism and manorialism?

because walrus

What caused spanish naval superiority to decline in the 1600s and 1700s?

Economis decline is what caused the naval superiority to decline then