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Q: What do you call the slave in medieval europe?
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What do you call the poor in a medieval village?

Peasants, commoners, villein, farmer, peon, or slave. It depends on what work they did.

What the education like for slaves in medieval Europe?

Marginal to non-existent, unless the slave had received educstion before becoming a slave, or were taught specific things he needed to know for his allotted tasks.

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A share of land in medieval Europe?

a share of land in medieval Europe is called a fief.

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Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.

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Churches are illustrative of the innovative architecture of medieval Europe.

What do you called a slave in medieval Europe?

You are probably thinking of a serf. Serfs were basically like slaves; they were tied to the land and forced to work. They were like peasants but they did not have freedom, peasants had freedom.

What did you call a slave who escaped?

A slave who escaped was referred to as a fugitive or runaway slave.

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The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe was created in 1991.

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