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Q: What does oaf ah mean in norwegian?
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Does an oaf mean a slag?

Oaf usually means a fool

What does yelskidi in norwegian mean?

That is not a Norwegian word.

What is the plural of oaf?

The plural form of oaf is oafs.

A mean word that starts with o?

Try oaf or ogre. Old can be mean( depending on how old the person is.)

What is an irking oaf?

an irking oaf is an annoying fat person

What does fem mean in Norwegian?

Fem in Norwegian means five

What does jeg er norsk mean?

"Jeg er norsk" means "I am Norwegian" in Norwegian.

What does it mean when a person is referred to as a lazy oaf?

The term lazy oaf is used to describe a person who is typically large in stature and does not work very hard. The term comes from the the United Kingdom.

How do you use the word oaf in a sentence?

You can say you stupid oaf i hate you

What does neiman mean in norwegian?

Not really a Norwegian word -see discussion

What does Hotvedt mean in Norwegian?

It doesnt mean anything. But it really sound like a norwegian last name.

When was Hypocritical Oaf created?

Hypocritical Oaf was created on 2010-04-20.