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A person from Greece (i.e a "greek") is allowed to eat anything they want, in the same way that an American can, a European can and anybody else can (so long as it's available and legal). It is usually religious values that dictate what a person should not eat (not geographic location); Greece is multiculteral so it is difficult to generalise the society's religious values.

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Q: What foods are Greeks not allowed to eat?
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What sort of foods do Greeks eat?

Greeks eat salads and they like to cook in oil a lot, they literally saturate there food in it.

What foods did the ancient Greeks eat at dinner parties?

meat,garum (which is scorse)

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Orthodox Jews are only allowed to eat kosher foods.

What foods do Greeks eat that England eats?

olives, feta cheese, homous, tzakizi

What foods are jews not allowed to eat at the same time?

Meat and dairy.

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Muslims aren't allowed to eat pork.

What do you eat in langer?

In the Langar, you eat only plant foods, such as fruits, berries and vegetables. Everybody is allowed to eat with them. They only eat after they pray in the Gurdwara.

Isn't Shavuot the holiday where you eat dairy foods?

yes, it is customary to eat dairy foods. Although it is allowed to eat meat on the holiday as well. (But of course, not dairy and meat together!--that would not be kosher)

What eating utensils do Greeks use?

Hi there in old times Greeks usually use to eat with their fingers all the time for foods such as dips and olives but now a days they are more connected to the eu which uses knife and forks so they do to .The Greeks have a wide range of foods in their diet alot being fruits.

What foods are people of catholicism known to eat or not allowed to eat Why Does the food have to be prepared a certain way What foods are specific to ONLY holidays?

Catholics are not limited in what they can eat. The only exception is during lent when fasting occurs.

What kind foods catholics not allow have lent?

on fridays catholics are not allowed to eat meat by:snakeman

Do the Greeks eat animals?

If you ask if Greeks eat meat, yes they do