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from 1775-1781 the revolutionary war happend.

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Q: What important events happend in Georgia in 1775?
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Who was the First Goveror of Georgia?

The first governor of Georgia was William Ewen. He took office on June 22, 1775 and left on December 11, 1775.

When was William Davies - Georgia - born?

William Davies - Georgia - was born in 1775.

What are some important events that happened between 1775 and 1800 in the world?

In respect to western history alone, numerous important events took place between 1775 and 1800. Of special significance is the American War for Independence, which erupted in 1775 and concluded in America's favor some years later. Also significant is the French Revolution, which broke out in 1789 and led directly to the rise of Napoleon as a force in Europe.

Where can I find some historical events during 1775?

To find some historical events during 1775 can be found a lot places. The most efficient places online are; Wikipedia, History, Discover, and Yahoo Answers.

I am doing a first 4 presidents poster i also need to know where you got the info from i need 2 important events that happend during george waghingtons term thank you?

George Washington lead the American Revolutionary War against the Brittish at 1775 - 1783 and was the first President of the United States of America. The draft of the US Constitution and the unilateral Proclamation of Neutrality were two of his works

Where did the battles of lexington and concord take place?

it happend in lexington massachussettsit occured April 19 1775 and in Massachusetts

Why was 1775 so important in American history?

Tun Tavern Philly Pa. USMC was founded Nov. 11 1775

Were there any events that happened in Virginia from its founding to 1775?

Jamestown was established, John Smith marries Pochahontas.

When the slavery ban lifted Georgia saw a rapid increase in what between 1750-1775?

Georgia saw a rapid increase in its enslaved population between 1750-1775 after the slavery ban was lifted. The demand for labor in the plantations caused an influx of enslaved individuals being brought into the colony. This increase in enslaved population contributed to the economic growth of Georgia's agricultural industry during that period.

What events in the thirteen American Colonies occurred Last in 1775?

Colonial minutemen and British troops clash at Lexington

What important people did Benedict Arnold meet?

He met George Washington in 1775