finacial agreement review
The confidentiality agreement is between the attorney and the client. Anything the client says to the attorney in secret must remain secret, under most circumstances. The attorney is not prohibited from telling the client anything.
A written agreement between a travel agency and its clients protects both parties. When planning travel, there are many variables that can alter plans and this agreement should address those.
it is necessary to have the agreement of the client prior to providing services because the client has the right to make their own choices and decisions when it comes to disclosing their personal information
It all depends on how the court settlement is worded and/or what kind of agreement existed between client and attorney.
Semantics. Homework "agreement" is not generally a term accepted to have any significance.The only condition to this would be if you and another individual had some kind of interpersonal agreement, and the executor chose to call it a homework "agreement," but this would have to be mutually agreed upon by all parties.From a linguistic perspective, the difference between "assignment" and "agreement" is the direction of power in the interaction. Agreement is something done with mutual consent between parties; Assignment is something done by one party to another.An example of an "agreement" situation would be between a therapist and a client, in which the client agrees to work on a project to help him/herself in later therapy sessions.An assignment would be like a school assignment, where you are being instructed to do something by an authority figure.
Client Agreement
Yes they can if they have an agreement of such sort better yet written agreement.
READ THE AGREEMENT that established the client relationship, and has the terms of the engagement including fee's. That is what YOU agreed to. That's all there is to it...
stand behind the client and put your arms around the client while you gently nudge the sternum
Performance gtee is basically guarantee a performance of your client, the employer if not satified with the performance of you client as per the agreement signed with them the employer could claim the money guaranteed from the bank. The financial gtee is basically when the bank guarantees a purchase done by its client from any of its suppliers... if the banks cusotmer does not make a payment after the purchase is done within a stipulated time frame stated in the agreement the bank is bound to pay.