The currency of Thailand is the Thai Baht. 1 Thai Baht is worth approximaptely £0.02, or - £1.00 is worth 48.1662 Thai Baht. The exchange rate is correct at the time of answering (16:20 on 20/06/2013) and came from the curency website 'Xe'
Weight: 63 pesos = a pound Currency: 19.05 Mexican Pesos = a Pound Sterling Also Currency: 70.34 Philippine Pesos = a Pound Sterling
In the British decimal currency, there are 100 pence in a Pound. In the British pre-decimal currency (pre-1971), there were 240 pence in a Pound.
One baht is a unit of currency in Thailand, not a unit of weight.
None. There were 20 Shillings in a Pound prior to decimal currency.
British currency is commonly known as the British pound it is also referred to as Sterling.The British pound is the currency used in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and many of it overseas territories.The International currency code is GBP.
There is no comparison. Rupe is currency, pound is weight - how do you see a tie -in there.
Now it is 100 pence to the pound. Pre decimal currency, there were 240 pennies in a pound.
there is 1 the UK
In the predecimal currency, there were 20 Shillings in One Pound. Therefore there would be 200,000 Shillings in £10,000 (predecimal).
When refering to currency then yes. there are many terms used i.e The pound, pound stirling, GBP and of course the "£" which isused for the term pound.
See Universal Currency Converter link