Wilmington, North Carolina, is located in New Hanover County. The frost line depth in New Hanover County is 2 inches.
The frost line in Wilmington, North Carolina is 2 inches. This is the same for all of New Hanover county.
frost line in Gwinnett
Average is 4ft, building code requires water pipes to be at least 6ft deep to be well below frost line and safe from frezzing.
no Frost
in western pa the frost level is 3 ft. In New wilmington pa. just out side sharron
Up to July 2008 it was 4' per the NYC Code. I haven't dealt enough with the newly adopted code. I imagine it hasn't changed.
The frost line i Michigan measures about 42 inches.
Carlsbad caverns is located and can be found in New Mexico along the border line.
The frost line in the state of West Virginia is about 30 inches. This is the depth that frost can penetrate the soil.
What is the frost line depth in louisville Kentucky