Cameroon's money is the Franc CFA. It is now pegged to the Euro (formerly to the French Franc). It is issued by the central bank of Central African States (6) of which Cameroon is a member state.
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The name of Cameroon IS Cameroon
Cameroon is in the continent of Africa.
Cameroon uses the Central African Franc (XAF)
The capital city of Cameroon is Yaounde
The currency in Cameroon and many other African countries is the CFA Franc. Here is a picture of some Cameroon currency:
It may well be a lot of money in Cameroon, but back in the real world it's about 90 cents US.
Cameroon's Gross Domestic Product was approx. $21.8 Billion in 2010.
The Cameroon football team are called the lions.
The currency used in Cameroon is the Central African Franc (XAF ) -Note this is not the same as the French franc.
They use "Kuvachi"
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