The phone number for Kandy Textile the Wattala branch is Sri Lanka is 011 293 4222. The company fax number is 011 293 4232.
+94 112 926921
Sri Lanka
Katunayake, Sri Lanka. I don't know if this is in the center of Sri Lanka, but it starts with a K.
In the center.
The country code and area code of Kandy, Sri Lanka is 94, (0)81.
kandy dance
The distance from Kandy, Sri Lanka to Colombo, Sri Lanka is 113.5 kilometers. The estimated driving time is 1 hour 53 minutes.
119 186 (or) 110,049
Colombo, Kandy
hondiyadeniya is a small village in kandy in sri lanka.
Kotte, Ratnapura, Kandy, and Colombo