21.8 sq mi (56 km2).
The size of Hiroshima is approximately 906.53 km2.
in a pet shop.
The distance is 206 miles.
Europe is 10,180,000 km2 while the US is 9,826,675 km2, so they are relatively close in size, however, Europe is about 400,000 km2 larger.
about 4 hours.
Europe is 10,180,000 km2 while the US is 9,826,675 km2. Europe is 353,325 km2 larger than the US, which is about the size of Montana.
The size of Thessaloniki is 18,811 km2.
Zimbabwe - 390,757 km2 Japan - 377,930 km2 Germany - 357,114 km2
Russia is 17,098,242 km2 while Europe is 10,180,000 km2; Russia is 6,918,242 km2 larger, or about 1 and 2/3 the size of Europe.
1,852,642 km2