Abraham Lincolns widens name before she married him was Mary Todd. After they were married she was called Mary Todd Lincoln.
The Declaration of Independence
Abraham Lincoln's first speech did not have a name. It was a speech in a square in Decatur, Illinois, in 1830.
Abraham was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1846.
He was the first US president with a beard.
Abraham Lincolns main goal at first was to keep the states together. But later slavery was included but no by choice. It just mixed in and was part of it till the end
Andrew Johnson being the first person to be president after Lincolns assassination
End of Civil War.
Sarah Lincoln died from giving birth to her first child at the age of 21.
Rowing a flat boat across the Ohio River
Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.
Decatur, Illinois....It is re-enacted here: http://www.21stcenturyabe.org/2009/06/22/lincolns-first-speech/