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Q: What would have happened to Georgia if English had not settled?
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Predict what would have happened to Georgia if the English had not settled it?

it would have not become a state

What would have happened to Georgia if the English had not settle it?

it would have not become a state

Which colony was founded by English debtors?

Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe to be a home for Debtors. This was the only way the king would allow since he also viewed George as a buffer between the English and The Spanish in Florida.

Why did the English encourage settlement in Georgia?

The English encouraged settlement in Georgia so the criminals and debtors would act as a buffer against Indian attacks.

What English colony extended farthest west?

Mississippi River

How do you describe English people who first settled at Jamestown?

I would describe them as starving people living in swamps.

What kind of church would they have in Georgia in the 1700s?

If you mean Georgia (USA) it was under Royal (English) Rule. The primary church was Anglican. If you mean Georgia (the region on the east side of the Black Sea) the primary church would be Russian Orthodox.

Did the Jutes influence the development of English in the Old English Period?

Yes, the Jutes were one of the three main Germanic tribes that settled in England during the migration period. They likely had an influence on the development of Old English, particularly in the areas where they settled, such as Kent and the Isle of Wight. Their language would have contributed to the vocabulary, dialects, and phonological features of Old English.

Which southern colony was founded for English debtors?

That would be the colony of Georgia, that was founded by James Oglethorpe, in 1732.

Why weren't Jews allowed in Georgia?

Georgia (US State)Jews came to Georgia for peaceful lives and economic betterment.Georgia (Eurasian Country)The Jews arrived in Georgia because of the Jewish Diaspora migrations out of the Land of Israel and some Jews settled in what would become Georgia. In addition there were some Khazarian Jews that joined these small communities around 800-900 years later. There are very few Jews left in Georgia.

What would happened if we don't have no lights?

first bad english second we couldent see

Whose rule marked the beginning of the English nation?

The end of the Roman emperor helped marked the beginning of the English nation. Anglo-Saxons settled in and started shaping the land for what would become England.