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To date, marijuana has not been legalised in any of the states or territories of Australia.

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Just about any where.

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Q: Where can you find marijuana in Australia?
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Is marijuana legal in Australia?

Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

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Why do people in Australia use marijuana?

Because they benefit from it in a number of ways. It's for the same reasons that roughly two hundred million (200 million) people around the World also enjoy marijuana (Cannabis). My question is "Why would people in Australia NOT use marijuana?"

Is marijuana used in other countries besides Australia?

yes. most definitely.

What is the penalty for being caught with marijuana in your system while driving in Australia?

you die

How do I stop kangaroos eating my marijuana plants?

Given that it is illegal to use, possess, grow or sell marijuana in Australia, I would say the answer is fairly self-evident: simply stop growing marijuana.

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Is marijuana legal in Canberra Australia?

In Australia, it is illegal to smoke cannabis. The punishment over the course of the past 20 years has been reduced, though.