The address of the Madison County Historical Society is: 435 Main St., Oneida, NY 13421
The phone number of the Madison County Historical Society is: 315-363-4136.
The web address of the Madison County Historical Soc is:
The address of the Oneida County Historical Society is: 1608 Genesee St, Utica, NY 13502-5425
The web address of the Oneida County Historical Society is:
The phone number of the Oneida County Historical Society is: 315-735-3642.
The address of the Oneida County District is: 31 N 100 W, Malad, 83252 1234
Zip code 13042 is in Oswega and Oneida Counties, New York. The city is Madison.
Oneida County Idaho was established in 1864.
The airport code for Oneida County Airport is UCA.
As of the 2000 Census, the population of Oneida County Idaho is, 4,125.
The airport code for Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport is RHI.