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Q: Which two countries have a lot of earthquakes in Europe?
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What countries start with f in Europe?

There are two countries in Europe that start with F. The two countries are Finland and France.

Which two countries are the only ones that have english as its major languages in europe?

A lot more than two countries in Europe have English as a major language. These include England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Malta. English is widely spoke in many other countries too, though not as an official language.

What are two country's in Europe?

Also England France Spain Finland Italy Iceland Greenland and more.

Which two countries dominate western Europe?

The two main countries in western Europe are Germany and France. It would not be totally accurate to say that they dominate western Europe. There are other large and important countries there too.

What two countries stretch farthest south in Europe not including the islands?

Spain and Greece are the two countries that stretch farthest south in Europe.

What two countries in Europe use English as their primary language in Europe?


Is Korea in Europe?

No, Korea is in Asia, and Europe and Korea is two seperate countries.

Which NATO countries were not in Europe?

Originally the only two countries not in Europe were the United States and Canada

Where countries are no earthquakes?

There is no "place" on Earth that cannot receive an earthquake. There are just places that are more prone to them. An earthquake occurs when two of Earth's pates collide. Places like Hawaii might be more prone to earthquakes because of the undersea volcanoes that make up the area.

What are two of the countries on the continent of Europe?

France and Italy

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What two countries is the bullfrog native to?

europe and asia