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Q: Why Nehru took kashmir issue to the UNO?
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Which country used veto power in favor of India on kashmir issue in UNO?

a. u.s.a

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First war took place in 1948 when border tension resulted face to face war on Kashmir border. Pakistan captured 30% of area (Pakistan held Kashmir also known as Azad Kashmir) and the war was seized after intervention of UNO and the border of that time was declared as LOC.

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Is azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan are part of Pakistan?

azda kashmir, Gilgit baltistan,leh,kargil,jammu,kashmir,asakchin are intrigal part of jammu & kashmir .jammu and kashmir is not a part of india or pakistan. we are imperialist by these two countries.shame these countries.these countries tells the world jammu and kashmir is our intrigal part.if it is part of these countries so why UNO is sitting here. you know the truth but you denies this truth. jammu and kashmir is a country.these two countries not denies this.time is yours one day time is ours.

Why did Pakistan join uno?

to get help on the Kashmir issueto solve the canal water disputeto become the spokesman of many Asian states and movements, specially Muslimsto raise voice in favour of Palestine

Who is responsible for kashmir dispute whether it is India Pakistan or King of Kashmir?

Kashmiris wanted to join Pk but their raja sold the region to India. now India is stubborn enough to hold on kashmir despite her wish to join Pk. while Pk knowing the Muslim majority in kashmir and also under the sense of brotherhood with kashmiri Muslims wants to get it back from India. later on it will be the wish of kashmiris to join Pk or make their own coubtry. MIND INDIA HAS BEEN CAUSING BLOODSHED, KILLING INNOCENTS, BEING STUBBORN, AVOIDING THE DECISIONS OF UNO AND VOILATING HUMAN RIGHTS EVER SINCE IT HELD ON KASHMIR!

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Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was the 1st woman president of UN General Asssembly. She was the 1st Indian woman and the 1st woman president of the UN General Assembly. She was the President for the 8th session.Since then, there have been only 2 women appointed as the President of the UN General Assembly- 1 in the 24th session, and 1 in the 61st session.

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Ban Ki Moon is the secretary general of the United Nations Organization (UNO) often called the UN."James B. ("J.B.") Milliken took office as president of the University of Nebraska on August 1, 2004." (University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO))Jejomar Binay is the president of United Opposition (UNO) in the Phillipines. This organization is also known as Genuine Opposition.

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'uno (minus, really 'menos' in Spanish) uno' = 'one minus one'

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Uno a uno - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Spain:(Banned)

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