Liberia was not a colony in the traditional sense as it did not have a foreign state to which it was dependent, but it was founded by foreigners, specifically African-Americans leaving the United States. Liberia was designed as an African-American colony because there were some African-Americans who believed that they could only realize their full potential in Africa. Of course, upon going there, they discovered that they were culturally very different from the Africans there and were much more Western in their outlook.
Liberia was colonized in 1822 by freed American slaves.
Liberia was colonized by the for 27 years in the early 1800s before the European scramble for Africa. It was home for freed slaves to go back to Africa. The Ethiopians were able to fight of the Italians and keep themselves from getting colonized.
Ethiopia and Liberia
As it is known today, Liberia was not colonized by any European power; it was colonized by the United States of America.
Almost all the African countries were colonized by European nations. Liberia and Ethiopia were the only countries that were not colonized.
Ethiopia was occupied for five years, but there was constant guerrilla warfare taking place, which means it was never colonized. Liberia was never colonized also.
the only county of east Africa that was never coonized by the europeans was the ethiopians
Liberia is an African country that people usually claim is not colonized, but since it was founded by American Blacks who established a very European-style country, it is hard to make the claim that it was not a colonial project.However, it was never part of a proper colony.
Liberia was the first to gain independence after being colonized by outsiders, but the independence of Ethiopia dates to antiquity and was never fully ended.
The Europeans respected that America had already colonized that territory and created a viable nation-state there.
Ethiopia and Sudan are the two African countries that were never under the colonial rule. Sudan is incorrect - it was an Anglo-Egyptian 'Condominium'. The other African country usually thought of as not under colonial rule is Liberia. (independent 1847).