In 1848 gold was found in Columa California at the sawmill of John Sutter and this resulted in the gold rush. California had all ready become a territory called the Bear Flag Republic when John C Fremont took the Mexican governor hostage in Monterey. He was taken to Sutters Fort in Sacramento. So many people came into California seeking gold that by 1850 California became a state September 9, 1850.
Because they wanted Gold.
California Gold Rush
Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush
the Gold Rush began in northern California.
The California Gold Rush of 1848-1849
The California Gold Rush
IT....ITS....GOLD!!!! the gold rush, does that come to your mind?
The California Trail was about 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers). This is not an exact answer. It went across the entire western part of North America. It was an immigrant trail that was once mostly used in the California Gold Rush.
The mass migration to California of miners and business people who made money from the miners is known as the California gold rush. The migrants who left for California in 1849 were called forty niners. Hope this helped ((;
the California gold rush
western Californians and the Mexicans